Tax Newsletter - PRISM

PRISM – the quarterly tax newsletter of which is part of our effort to stay in touch with our clients by sharing updates and insights on the recent international taxation changes and current hot topics

1st Quarter 2014 Issue

Table of content


Australian Taxation Office issues draft ruling on Permanent Establishment for the purposes of applying the foreign branch income exemption under Australian Tax Laws


The VAT and income tax bearing ratio of different industries in China


Cyprus financing companies and minimum acceptable profit margins

Hong Kong:

The case of Nice Cheer Investment Limited (II)


Tax credit for renewable energy


Malaysia 2014 National Budget- Tax updates

New Zealand:

Non-resident contractor withholding tax


Review of special tax regimes of Russia

Singapore :

Corporate Income Tax - Objection and Appeal process

Please click here to obtain a copy of 1st Quarter 2014 issue of PRISM.