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4 Apr 2023 - CGTN

China has been Malaysia's biggest trading partner for the past 14 years, and a leading source of foreign investment. It's also as an important strategic partner – holding joint disaster relief and military exercises in recent years as Malaysia looks to maintain balanced ties with East and West. So expectations are high for Anwar Ibrahim's maiden visit to China as prime minister.



4th Apr 2023 The Star 

Koong said he believed Anwar's visit would boost Malaysia in the current medium-term of the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021-2025).

"A task force should be formed to oversee the implementation and progress of all MOUs, including other investments.

"All relevant government agencies should step up and cut bureaucracy to make it simpler for investors to come to Malaysia and do business," he said.

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The Star - 19th Feb 2023

Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) treasurer-general Koong Lin Loong said the government should broaden its parameters when it came to generating tax revenue. “The existing taxation system needs to be reformed to increase government revenue and ensure its sustainability.  This is especially true since a large majority of tax revenue comes from direct taxes, such as corporate and personal income taxes, as well as indirect taxes, which are too narrow,” he said.

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Managing Partner of Reanda LLKG International, Datuk LL Koong is one the panel judges for the top winners of the Star Outstanding Business Awards i.e. "Malaysian Business of the Year" and "Elite Entrepreneur of the Year".  The final judging session is completed on Feb 2, 2023.

Datuk LL Koong JP, Managing Partner of Reanda Malaysia being appointed as Board Member of The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency with effective from Jan 2023. 

The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency, commonly known as Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), is an agency set up by Malaysia Central Bank - Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in April 2006 to help individuals and businesses take control of their financial situation by providing complimentary financial education, advisory and debt management programmes.

"We need to have special measures in place so that Malaysia can be the preferred investment destination for the Chinese nationals, which would then help our SMEs to flourish".  

Koong added that the most sought-after sector that investors would be interested in would be green technology; hence, he called for the government to also allocate for the sector.

To help local SMEs, he said the government must also consider improving the tax incentive to encourage the growth of businesses.